Welcome Friends: Ahlan wa sahlan!
How interesting it was last time to realize that our INTENTION and AWARENESS change us ON THE GENETIC LEVEL!
Their commentaries can only be read in verse by verse view.
1. Verse 23 begins by announcing that God has sent down the Best of Hadeeth (which is) an allegorical/analogous Compilation. (Put any word in ‘Search this Site’).
The Compilation is also ‘repetitious/ enfolded..’ see June 16 where we said that ‘Mathaani’ carries two connotations, related to the Compilation.
Certainly, the BEST of all ‘Hadeeth’ is what God sends us.
Furthermore, His is the TRUEST of all Hadeeth (HQ 4:87)-"...ومن أصدق من الله حديثا" - The word ‘hadeeth’ appears 23 times in the Qur’an.
As we read earlier:
“Although we mostly relate the word ‘Hadeeth’ to Prophet Muhammad’s Sayings, peace upon him, the word means something ‘that was not there before, and is the opposite of ‘old’ or قديم ‘qadeem.’ It also means something that is being announced in real time "خبر" In this context it refers to the Qur’an as being the latest communication from God. In that context we can take the Prophet’s Hadeeth to be his communication.
See the verses which mention the Qur’an as the ‘best’ of Hadeeth (HQ39:23) أحسن الحديث, or ‘this Hadeeth هذا الحديث (HQ18:6; 53:59; 56:81; 68:44).”
2. This verse also describes ‘Those who are in Awe of their Lord,’ and their PSYCHOLOGICAL and PHYSICAL RESPONSE to the Best of all Hadeeth; a response which is, in itself, an indicator of God’s Guidance!
In response to God’s Hadeeth:
· Their tough, protective shields/‘skins’ would tremble… (see جلود –julood[i]).
· After a time (thumma (ثمًّ- BOTH their ‘toughness’ AND their ‘hearts/minds’ would become lenient[ii]…
· … yielding in softness to the Remembrance of God..
· And THAT is God’s Guidance granted to whoever wills it/ whomever He wills….!
Dear Reader:
If you have felt your skin tremble while reading/listening to God’s Hadeeth, you’d know exactly what we are talking about.
Remember that our deep INTENTIONS and AWARENESS change our Reality, and even CHANGE US on the genetic level: The ‘trembling’ is an outward sign of an Inner Awareness which, after becoming receptive to the content of this Compilation, can progress to the Remembrance of God as we literally develop into a higher state of Being!
3. Verse 24 mentions the word ‘wajh’ or ‘direction/ face.’
As I understand it, this verse tells us NOT to be of the ‘wrongdoers’ ظالمين who shall taste their earnings at the time of their Resurrection, but rather:
To be aware of THE DIRECTION WE TAKE TODAY, and heed/ prevent any suffering we might otherwise incur.
Then we are offered Dissuasion in Verses 25-26, where we are given the consequences of Lying (about this Truth). Notice that the humiliation which befalls such Liars, begins here, in this lesser existence; and the Hereafter is of Greater Suffering… if they but knew!
4. Before we go on, let us recap for the benefit of our New Readers:
Here, at iqrathechallenge, our research has uncovered that ‘Kitaab’ and Quraan’ are NOT two ‘separate entities’ or subject-matters (bound together in one ‘mis-haf’مصحف-) as some contemporary scholars have postulated, NOR are these two words ‘synonymous and interchangeable’ as traditional scholars assert.
‘Kitaab’ is the ‘Compilation’ itself which, when it was sent down to God’s Worshipper (Muhammad, peace upon him), was rendered without ‘slant/ bias/crookedness’ (HQ 18:1). God has only sent one ‘Compilation’ throughout the ages, and it has often been rendered (by humanity, and due to biased readings) into a ‘static qirtaas "قرطاس (put qirtaas in ‘Search this Site).
‘Quraan,’ on the other hand, is this very same Compilation AFTER it has been approached by a cognizant ‘Qaari-Reader’ who, by activating the 6 components of the word ‘iqra,’ allowed its content to transform from a simple ‘qira’at’ قراءة ‘reading’… into an ‘interactive’ Qur’aan قرآن-
This transformation is attested to by the grammatical distinction of the verb ‘Fa’laan’ (put فعلان in ‘Search this Site,’ and if needed, put ‘distinction quraan kitaab’ in ‘Search this Site’).
Going on:
After we were told of the ‘Compilation’ and the psycho-physical changes that take place in ‘Those who are in Awe of their Lord,’ we were advised to heed the direction we take today, and dissuaded about lying against this truth.
Now, Verses 27- 28 draw our attention to:
· The Qur’an, in which God has ‘struck every example’ for Cognizant Humans so that they may REMEMBER.
· The Qur’an, which is eloquently self-expressive and clearly coherent (put ‘Arabi’ in ‘Search this Site’).
· The Qur’an, which is NOT SLANTED/ BIASED in any way, so that they may be AWARE.
Yes, dear Reader: Our heightened perception and intention causes a transformation in EVERYTHING, and everything comes closer to realizing its full potential, to our benefit.
People who do not see that will always be seeking bias in life.
Probably to illustrate the excellence of Pure Reverence to God Alone, Verse 29 sets an example by drawing comparison between two active persons ‘rijaal’:
One, in whom several disagreeing associates have command… and one in whom only one active person has command. Then the verse asks the question: Are they -or can they be- deemed of equal example? It ends with glorification of God, and the statement that most of them do not know.
PAGE 462 Arabic Qur’an.
5. Verses 30-35 show that, although they are all mortal, Prophet Muhammad and the people he is trying to guide cannot be compared. Although he and they shall die and be resurrected to settle their disputes in the presence of their Lord, there is an insurmountable difference between:
· Someone who has lied against God and belied the Truth when it came to him and shall subsequently find an abode in Hell as a Denier…and
· Someone who has come with the Truth and believed in it, and is indeed of the Aware:
Who shall have whatever they desire in the presence of their Lord, a subsequent recompense to the Doers of Goodness (beyond mere duty).
For them God shall cover, of their deeds, the worst committed.. and grant them their recompense according to the best of what they had performed!
(May we be among them.. Amen.)
6. Verses 36- 37 clearly show that God suffices his Worshipper (Muhammad), as Qureish threaten him with lesser beings, having gone astray themselves.
Although the ‘going astray’ and the ‘guidance’ in Verse 37 seem to be of ‘God’s doing,’ this is simply due to the fact that everything takes place in the system set up by God:
We are free to choose our way within this system as long as the two paths are obvious to us.
· The path to Goodness is the route closest to our nature as a species; remember ‘bashar,’ ‘bishr,’ and ‘bishaara:’ we are creatures projecting goodness and beauty.
· The path to Goodness is also most fitting to our heightened human cognizance, as ‘Insaan.’
· However, having made the wrong choice and carried it forth with deeds, humans tend to become virtually ‘blind,’ close-hearted and single-minded (HQ 22:46), unable see the other alternative.
So, although there will always be two ways, there will come a time when humans see only one, having blinded themselves to the other, and there will be no going back.
It is therefore up to us to make our choice within God’s system, of which He informed us and warned us, persuaded us and dissuaded us.
7. Verses 38- 40 are well explained by both Ali and Asad, except for the word ‘makaanatikum مكانتكم-’ which Arberry explained better as ‘station.’
Each of us works according to his/her STATION- meaning that we translate into action what we already think, believe and desire.
Here the Messenger is told to tell Qureish that they can go ahead and work according to the He is also to warn them that they shall come to know whom the suffering will humiliate, and to whom the suffering shall be abiding!
Enough said!
Our next Reading is from HQ 39:41-56.
Peace unto all!
[i] جلد: يدلُّ على قوّةٍ وصلابة. فالجِلْدُ معروفٌ، وهو أقوى وأصلَبُ ممّا تحته من اللحم. والجَلَد صلابة الجِلد. والأجلاد: الجسم؛ يقال لجِسم الرّجُل أجلادُهُ وتجاليده.
[ii] See etymology of ‘lenient’ – a word which English scholars admit came into English around 1540 from the field of Medicine. BUT what they do NOT tell us (as usual), is that it came from the Arabic ‘leen, leyenaلين - ’ –which is of similar pronunciation and meaning!
This, despite the fact that it was during those times when the ‘Colliget’ of Averroes, (Ibn Rushd) was published in Venice in 1549 and the famous Canon of Medicine by Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was considered a medical authority (and remained so until the early 19th century), setting the standards for medicine in Europe and the rest of the civilized world.
“Qanun was used at many medical schools—at University of Montpellier, France, as late as 1650. Much of the book was also translated into Chinese as the Huihui Yaofang (Prescriptions of the Hui Nationality) by the Hui people in Yuan China.[10] The Canon also formed the basis of Unani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India. The principles of medicine described by the Canon ten centuries ago are still taught at UCLA and Yale University, among others, as part of the history of medicine.”
For other English words of Arabic origin, put ‘Etymology’ in “search this Site.’
1 comment:
salams rhd, i missed your posts last week!
your investigation on the topic of human choice was persuasive. when you concluded: "It is therefore up to us to make our choice within God’s system, of which He informed us and warned us, persuaded us and dissuaded us" it became an epiphany!
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