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UNCOVERING the original message of the Arabic Qur'an by using Lexicons compiled more than 1,000 years ago.

ISOLATING Fact from Fiction.

RECOVERING Hope and regaining the perspective where Humanity is one, God's Message is one, and our Future CAN become one we all look forward to!


Image: 14th C. Qur'an, Mamluk origin, Library of Congress; Rights obtained.

A BREAKTHROUGH project which helps understand the Qur'an AS REVEALED -not just 'as explained.'


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 120; Qur’an 12: 3-14, page 235 + 236

Welcome Friends:  Ahlan wa sahlan!
What interesting studies will come out of our ‘Meaning of Sounds’ posted yesterday-  I hope you enjoyed it!
Yusuf Ali’s Translation of our new Chapter.
Muhammad Asad’s Translation of our new Chapter.
Their commentaries can only be read in verse by verse view.

PAGE 235 Arabic Qur’an.

1. We certainly took our time yesterday We had to study Verses 1-2 in detail, highlighting the three most important points illustrated in these two short verses:
Alif Lam Ra; Such are Signs/Verses of the ‘self-evident, enlightening’ Compilation (1) 
We have indeed sent it down an ‘eloquently self-expressive’ Qur’an so that you might secure knowledge (2).
·   Firstly, the difference between a static Compilation and the interactive Qur’an.
·   Secondly, that the Qur’an is eloquently self-expressive Arabiعربي-’.
·   Thirdly, that it is ‘Arabi’ for a specific purpose, which is to ‘secure knowledge.’
Please read yesterday’s Post carefully- the success of this project depends on truly understanding these verses!
2. Verse 3 is directed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, telling him that God ‘awhaأوحى-’ to him, or conveyed to him, the exclusive information in this Qur’an, of which he had no prior knowledge. 
Asad’s notes are interesting, although his explanation of this verse is a little too complicated.
PAGE 236 Arabic Qur’an.
3. Verses 4-5 relate to us an exchange where the young lad, Joseph, tells his father about a dream in which he saw 11 planets/spheres [i], as well as the sun and moon, honoring him.  His father, Prophet Jacob peace upon him, cautions him not to tell his brothers, whose guile he seems to be well-aware of.
NOTE: As our 1,000 year-old Lexicon tells us, the word ‘kawkab’ or ‘planet’ is from the root-verb ‘kabbaكبَّ- ’- which is related to something gathered together/ thrown swirling, as if down into a hollow (تدهور الشيء في هوَّة). 
This description is related to everything ball-shaped, as in a ball of wool (kabkabaكبكبة-), a ball of meat (kubba and kebobكبّة- كباب- ), AND the hollow rounded utensils in which we pour liquids  (akwaab- أكواب)…singular ‘koobكوب-’ YES, dear Reader.  You guessed right: 
This Arabic word is the origin of our English CUP, but as usual, we will NOT find any reference to that in its Etymology:
O.E. cuppe, from L.L. cuppa, from L. cupa "tub," from PIE *keup- "a hollow." 
4. Verse 6 seems to be, what God may have told the lad Joseph at the time, strengthening and preparing him for what was to come. 
Asad’s notes are interesting, but Ali’s explanation here is more straight-forward.
It is interesting to see that the Qur’an calls Abraham and Isaac his ‘fathers’ (not ‘forefathers’ as Asad says).  They were, of course, Joseph’s Grandfather and Great-grandfather, peace upon them all.
Verse 7 introduces the lessons/signs to be learnt from the story of Joseph and his brothers.
5.  In Verses 8- 9- 10 we hear the exchange that took place between the brothers as they dwelt on their father’s favoritism towards Joseph and plotted to get rid of him.  What they wanted was to make their father’s ‘wajhوجه- ’ or direction, open to them –meaning that they would have his full attention after it had always been directed towards Joseph.
Once again we notice the word ‘sayyaarahسيَّارة- ’ which we encountered in HQ 5:96, and discussed on March 17th and said:
“Just to get an idea of how modern usage of Arabic terms has changed, look at the word meaning ‘travelers,’ from the verb ‘saara’سار - ‘walk,’ go.  The meaning of this word, سيّارة ‘sayyaara,’ has evolved for many Arabs, from a traveling caravan to a car!”
6.  In Verses 11- 12 the brothers put their plot to action, trying to convince their father to send Joseph out with them.  Notice how each verse ends with a HUGE lie! 
Each of their false statements has not one, but TWO assurances: The first is ‘innaإنّا- ’ which means ‘indeed we shall,’ and the second is the ‘l’ (لام التوكيد) or the ‘L of assurance,’ which comes before the words ‘advise’ or ‘wish-well,’ and ‘guide.’  This ‘l’ serves to imply certainty.
7.  Jacob’s hesitation is obvious in Verse 13.  Then, in Verse 14, his sons announce, that if something were to happen to Joseph in spite of their strength and numbers, it is they who would indeed be the certain losers (notice ‘inna’ and ‘l’- same structure as before to imply certainty).
Enough said! 
Our next Reading is from HQ 12: 15-30.

Peace unto all!

[i] (كب)  يدلُّ على جَمع وتجمع، ومنه: كَبَبْتُ الشَّيءَ لوجهه أكُبُّه كَبَّاً. وأكَبَّ فلانٌ على الأمر يفعلُه. والكَبكبةُ: أن يتدهْوَر الشّيء إذا أُلقِيَ في هُوَّة حتى يستقرَّ، فكأنَّه تردّد في الكبِّ. ويقال: جاء متكبكِباً في ثيابِهِ، أي متزمِّلاً. ومن ذلك الكُبَّة من الغَزْل.
الراغب الأصفهاني:
 والكبكبة: تدهور الشيء في هوة. قال: }فكبكبوا فيها هم والغاوون{ [الشعراء/94]. يقال كب وكبكب
والكواكب: النجوم البادية، ولا يقال: لها كواكب إلا إذا بدت. قال تعالى: }فلما جن عليه الليل رأى كوكبا{ [الأنعام/76]

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