Welcome Friends: Ahlan wa sahlan!
Their commentaries can only be read in verse by verse view.
1. Verse 31 points to the passage of time, with a new generation (that replaced the generation of Noah, whose story was mentioned in the preceding verses, peace upon him).
Verse 32 presents us with this new Messenger’s appeal -without giving us his name. We might find out who he is however, by cross-referencing his appeal below, putting اعبدوا الله تتقون in Tanzil,:
“..Worship God! You have no other god but Him; Will you not be Aware?”
After doing that, we find out that these words were said by Prophet Hud (in HQ 7:65), so this Messenger is most likely to be Hud, peace upon him.
It is interesting to note that Asad finds the Messenger’s identity irrelevant, seeing that the Qur’an has not divulged it. I agree that this is a universal appeal, probably offered by all Messengers… yet: It is exciting to rediscover the Qur’an’s amazing coherence!
First, we notice the three characteristics of the chieftains:
They had denied; they had belied the Meeting of the Hereafter, they had been living in excess in their immediate, lowly life.
Their arguments are similar to Qureish’s arguments against the Messenger Muhammad, peace upon him.
They disbelieve in him, being unable to obey a human who eats and drinks as they do. They disbelieve in Resurrection, being unable to see dead dust and bones rise up again.
They think he is a mere man, lying against God, to which the unnamed Messenger responds, in Verse 39.
3. Verse 42 concludes this narrative, pointing to the passage of time, and to new generations that come into play.
Verse 43 is a statement which shows us that each community/ civilization has a natural sequence in which it evolves, from birth, maturity, to decay, and in Verse 44 we are told that Messengers were sent, one after the other. We note that communities who belied their Messengers went through stages of self-destruction.
4. Verses 45- 47- 48 summarize Moses’ story with Pharaoh, while Verse 49 specifically mentions ‘the Compilation’ sent to Moses, as guidance for his people.
Verse 50 mentions rendering the’ Son of Mary and his mother’ as a Sign.
5. Verses 51- 52 speak directly to all Messengers, as God tells them that theirs is A SINGLE COMMUNITY, and that He is their Lord, so they should worship Him.
Verse 53 follows, showing us how their followers broke off into different parties or groups, each of them ‘farehفَرِح- ’ by what they had. As we might remember, ‘fareh’ could mean ‘rejoicing/ delighting’ and it could also mean: burdened[i].
6. Verses 54- 56 address Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him, as they speak about his people, Qureish. They are so confident in their prosperity, that they do not feel their own Reality.
Ramadan is a big help for teenagers because it helps them realize, year after year until they reach full adulthood, how much more powerful and independent they are becoming. Among the valuable life-lessons which Ramadan teaches, is Self-respect.
Print out this ‘Teen Motto,’ and gift it to the Teenager in your life:
I Respect Myself
I respect my Self,
therefore I will become a better person.
therefore I will become a better person.
I respect my Mind,
therefore I will support it with knowledge.
therefore I will support it with knowledge.
I respect my Conscience,
therefore I will comfort it by good conduct.
therefore I will comfort it by good conduct.
I respect my Soul,
therefore I will nourish it with faith.
therefore I will nourish it with faith.
I respect my Body,
therefore I will protect it from harm.
therefore I will protect it from harm.
I respect my Desires,
but since they contradict one another
but since they contradict one another
I will be selective:
I will control any desire that does not respect
my Self, my Mind, my Conscience, my Soul, and my Body!
I respect the shortness of Life,
therefore I will make mine special.
therefore I will make mine special.
I respect the suddenness of Death,
therefore I will be ready.
therefore I will be ready.
I respect the eternity of Afterlife where,
If I respect myself now, I will forever be happy.
Enough said!
Our next Reading is from HQ 23:57-89.
Peace unto all!
[i] (فرح) أصلانِ، يدلُّ أحدهما على خلاف الحُزْن، والآخر الإثْقال.
فالأوَّل الفَرَح، يقال فَرِحَ يَفرَح فَرَحا، فهو فَرِح. وأمَّا الأصل الآخر فالإفراح، وهو الإثقال. وقولُه عليه الصلاة والسَّلام: "لا يُتْرَك في الإسلام مُفْرَحٌ" قالوا: هذا الذي أثْقَلَه الدَّين. قال: إذا أنت لم تَبْرحْ تؤدِّي أمانةً *** وتَحمِلُ أخرى أفرحتكَ الودائعُ.