Welcome Friends: Ahlan wa sahlan!
It is worth your while, dear Reader, to go through the narratives of the Prophets mentioned today, by simply clicking any of these two hyperlinks:
Muhammad Asad’s Translation of this Chapter.
Their commentaries can only be read in verse by verse view.
I will not include many hyperlinks, and will only comment on what seems to be the most distinctive pieces of information.
PAGE 371 Arabic Qur’an.
1. In Verses 83- 89, we hear Prophet Abraham’s beautiful Supplication, peace upon him, and find that it matches in beauty and eloquence his Definition of ‘The Lord of the Worlds’.
Read it, and notice what he asks God for:
He begins with Wise Judgment to be acquired in this Life, with the best Companions to transcend with, to the Hereafter. He asks for Honorable Mention[i] in closing, and to be of those who inherit the Garden of Bliss…then he includes a prayer for his father, and asks not to be disgraced when they shall be resurrected!
The last verse holds a statement regarding the Day of Resurrection:
It is a time when neither wealth nor progeny will be of any benefit, unless we come to God with a Pure, flawless Heart/ Mind (qalb saleem).
(Ali translates ‘qalb saleem’ as ‘sound heart,’ which I find closer to the Arabic than Asad’s ‘heart free of evil.’)
Actually, ‘saleem’ means free of fault or defect, and shares the root-verb, ‘salama,’ with another VERY important word: ‘Islaam.’
This helps us understand something very important:
The Qur’an tells us that, as Mu’mins (Believers), we must be fully Aware of God HOWEVER, we must not die except as Muslims (‘Pure, flawless’ in our Reverence to God- HQ 3:102).
This is not only a ‘Qur’anic’ injunction, but is also what both Abraham and Jacob enjoined upon their children on their deathbeds, and is the state in which Joseph asked to be taken to God, peace upon them all!
See Posting of Jan 11th and read HQ 2:132, and 12:101.
Also, read Posting of August 10th for definition of Islam, and our discussion regarding the difference between Islaam and Imaan where we said:
“Islaam is the sturdy foundation upon which Imaan is built, and that basis is ‘Pure Reverence to God,’ in NOT associating Him with anything or anyone. That ‘pureness’ either is, or it isn’t: Islaam can be present, or Islaam can be absent, but it neither fluctuates nor grows.
Imaan/Faith, on the other hand, DOES grow, as we consciously observe the measures God has set for us (to the benefit of all Creation), and we hearken to His guidance.”
Think about it this way, if you will:
Death is the time when earthbound ‘Growth’ comes to an end, as another, emancipated, fulfilling Stage in our life begins (if we have earned it). Our Contentedمطمئنّة Selves are carried there by the ‘purely-Reverent’ Heart/Mind, the ‘qalb saleem’ which we protected, throughout our entire lives, from contamination.
The Garden is brought forth to The Aware, in Verse 90.
2. Verses 91- 102 are about Hellfire, Regret, and Futility.
It is interesting to note that what people mostly regret then, is having equated others with The Lord of the Worlds!
Verses 103- 104 are the Refrain:
“In this, behold, there is a Sign, even though most of them will not believe.
And indeed, your Sustainer - He alone – is the Almighty,
The Unceasingly Compassionate.”
Here begins the story of Prophet Noah, who asks his people to be aware of God and obey him. Put فاتقوا الله وأطيعون in Tanzil and note the 10 times this instruction appears in the Qur’an:
· TWICE voiced by Prophet Jesus in HQ 3:50, 43:63.
· EIGHT times in this Chapter, voiced by the various Prophets of today’s Reading, peace upon them all (Verses 108, 110, 126, 131, 144, 150, 163, 179).
PAGE 372 Arabic Qur’an.
3. Verses 104- 120 narrate Prophet Noah’s struggle with his people, after which 121- 122 is the Refrain.
To reread our earlier studies of these Prophets’ stories, see Posting of April 10th.
4. Verses 123- 138 narrate Prophet Hud’s struggle with his people, after which 139- 140 is the Refrain.
PAGE 373 Arabic Qur’an.
5. Verses 141- 157 narrate Prophet Saaleh’s struggle with his people, after which 158- 159 is the Refrain.
PAGE 374 Arabic Qur’an.
6. Verses 160- 173 narrate Prophet Lot’s struggle with his people, after which 174- 175 is the Refrain.
7. Verses 176- 189 narrate Prophet Shu’ayb’s struggle with his people, after which 190- 191 is the FINAL Refrain.
To reread our earlier studies of these Prophets’ stories, see Posting of April 12th.
We benefit in unimaginable ways from reading these stories, but let us always bear in mind that the First Recipient of these verses was Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him!
Enough said!
Our next Reading is from HQ 26:192-227; 27:1-22 a new Chapter!
Peace unto all!
[i] لسن: يدلُّ على طول لطيفٍ غير بائن، في عضوٍ أو غيره. من ذلك اللِّسان، والجمع أَلْسُنٌ، فإذا كثر فهي الألسنة. ويقال لَسَنْتُه، إذا أخَذْتَه بلسانك.
واللَّسَنُ: جَودة اللِّسان والفَصاحة. واللِّسْن: اللُّغَة، يقال. لكلِّ قومٍ لِسْنٌ أي لغة. وقرأ ناسٌ: {وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَسُولٍ إلاَّ بِلِسْنِ قَوْمِهِ} [إبراهيم 4].
ويقولون: المَلْسُون: الكذَّاب. وهذا مشتقٌّ من اللِّسان، لأنَّه إذا عُرِفَ بذلك لُسِنَ، أي تكلَّمت فيه الألسِنة.